National Month Observances in June
There are many things we recognize in the month of June, Father’s Day, which makes sense that it is also Men’s Health Month, Alzheimer’s and brain awareness and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) awareness month just to name a few. June also serves as National Safety Month.
Injuries are the leading cause of death for Americans ages 1 to 44. The good news? Everyone can get involved to help prevent injuries.
During National Safety Month, Cherry Creek Village is working with community members to help reduce the risk of injuries. This June, we encourage you to learn more about important safety issues like preventing poisonings, transportation safety, and slips, trips, and falls.
- Poisonings: Nine out of 10 poisonings happen right at home. You can be poisoned by many things, like cleaning products or another person’s medicine.
- Transportation safety: Doing other activities while driving – like texting or eating – distracts you and increases your chance of crashing. Almost 1 in 6 crashes where someone is injured involves distracted driving.
- Slips, trips, and falls: More than 1 in 4 older adults fall each year. Many falls lead to broken bones or head injuries.
You can make a difference! Find out ways to help reduce the risk of these safety issues.
Fall prevention: Simple tips to prevent falls
- Begin your fall-prevention plan by making an appointment with your doctor. …
- Keep moving. Physical activity can go a long way toward fall prevention. …
- Wear sensible shoes. …
- Remove home hazards. …
- Light up your living space. …
- Use assistive devices.
Do a walk-through safety assessment of your home.
- Lighting: Increase lighting throughout the house, especially at the top and bottom of stairs. …
- Stairs: Make sure there are two secure rails on all stairs.
- Bathrooms: Install grab bars in the tub/shower and near the toilet.
- Keep cleaning products in their original containers. Never put a potentially poisonous product in something other than its original container, such as a plastic soda bottle, where it could be mistaken for something else.
- Safely throw away old medicines and other potential poisons. Check your garage, basement and other storage areas for cleaning and work supplies you no longer need and can discard.
- Read product labels to find out what can be hazardous to kids. Dangerous household items include makeup, personal care products, plants, pesticides, lead, art supplies, alcohol and carbon monoxide.
- Program the toll-free number for the Poison Control Center (800-222-1222) into your home and cell phone and post it near your phone or on your refrigerator for the babysitter. Hopefully, you’ll never need it, but it’s nice to have just in case. (, n.d.)
Beth Crain,
Marketing and Assistant Executive Director
Cherry Creek Village, Independent Senior Living Community